Social eCommerce

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Social eCommerce

Our broad expertise goes beyond the installation of software. Our ability to understand your client base and their needs allows us to help you model a web presence that attracts, retains and grows direct online revenue. Our ability to assist with Brand Definition and Positioning will allow you to stand out.

Consumers are turning away from the store fronts and looking to their computers and phones when they want to shop. For most businesses having a web presence that is efficient as well as in sync with in store messaging is necessary to keep your customers as your customers.

We practice an industry proven approach to driving traffic through effective search engine optimization that creates visibility for your products and services. Our ability to tailor your eCommerce site towards the wants and needs of your customers will help drive the first sale – and build loyalty!

Complete Business Solution

Successful ecommerce implementations require a strong visible element, but managing the entire business from payment capture, customer service, shipping and logistics, all the way through to custom business rules around pricing, inventory and lead time management is what sets us apart from the many cookie cutter graphic design shops.