Q: What is Drupal?

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A: Drupal is a Content Management System (CMS) that uses modules to allow the site administrator to organize and display content, customize appearance and manage routine tasks. It is also known as a content management framework (CMF) as it is geared more towards configurability and customization.

Q: Why should my company use it?

A: In comparison to most CMS’s Drupal has an upper hand when you take a look at its features and functionalities. Below are some of the features you would find in Drupal.

User Management: – Drupal has strong user role and access control functionality. Custom user roles and custom access levels can be created as and when needed.

Advanced URL Control: – Drupal gives the user complete control over URL structure. Each item of content in Drupal can be given a custom URL also known as aliases. Users can automate custom URL structures for each different content type with the ‘Pathauto’ Module.

Custom Content Types and Views: – The Content Construction Kit (CCK) and view modules can be used to create new content types and create advanced custom views. Content types could contain news stories, tutorials, blog posts and so on.

PHP Template: – By default Drupal uses the PHP template theme engine. Theming in Drupal is easy as the user does not require any PHP knowledge.

Get your website done in Drupal. Contact Wakensys at 773.552.1355 for more information.